
In order to prepare and organize complex exercises in accordance with the “Work Plan of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Emergency Situations for 2024”, approved by Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan dated December 25, 2023 No. 824, “Executive Power Local on Institutions” on the basis of Articles 8 and 11 of the Law Turkmenistan, as well as on the basis of the order of the Akim of Lebap velayat No. 28B dated 04/04/2024, the Lebap velayat branch of the National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan is also a member of the Lebap velayat Committee for the Prevention of Emergency Situations, the Department of Civil Defense and Rescue Affairs of the Lebap velayat, the Sanitation and Disease Prevention Service Lebap velayat, Department of the State Migration Service of Turkmenistan for Lebap velayat, Police Department of Lebap velayat, Health Department of Lebap velayat, Department of Highways of Lebap velayat, as well as buyers of Lebap velayat together with local governments of Lebap velayat. A training course “Emergency Situations Elimination” was held in the Khojambaz etrap of the velayat. situations that may arise on the territory of Lebap velayat in the event of an urgent mass arrival of people in Turkmenistan, which involves providing them with temporary protection.” During the exercises with the participation of more than 350 people, the population was prepared for emergency situations, natural and man-made disasters, moving them to an organized safe zone, timely informing the population, increasing their preparedness, behavior in such situations and providing first aid. A large-scale operation to train distribution nodes was carried out. Employees of the Lebap velayat branch and their active volunteers once again proved that human safety in the country is more important, demonstrating their work skills in the field of training.



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