Sports competitions were held recently by the representatives of NRCST at the children’s recreation complex “Beyik Serdaryn ruhubelent nesilleri” in participation of the teams from “Altyn sumul”, “Shohle”, “Bagtyyar nesiller”, “Beyik Serdaryn ruhubelent nesilleri” children’s recreation centers. Football tournament attracted interest of the children from its very beginning. After children compited in “Kim chalasyn” game. The game the main idea of which is not to lose the ball at the same time bypassing the obstacles showe that the children support one another. The main idea of the next contest was not to drip a single drop of water while bypassing the obstacles. The contest showed that cildren trained a lot and were well prepared to the contest. The last contest of competition was sack-jumping. The spectators were happy to watch such an interesting contest. The NRCST representatives presented gifts to the winner-team.