The International Humanitarian Law implementation program - in action!

In accordance with the commitments made by the Government of Turkmenistan jointly with the National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan (NRCST), a comprehensive program of measures aimed at the broad promotion and implementation of international humanitarian law (IHL) were developed and being successfully implemented.

As part of the program measures lectures on IHL is being carried out in close cooperation with the National Institute of Education (NIO) Turkmenistan at regular trainings for teachers. Module on IHL was developed, validated and approved in accordance with established procedure, as well as published and handed over to the NIO. It is planned to disseminate the module among secondary school teachers. Since 2013, sections of IHL were included into secondary school social sciences program. Module texts are available on NRCST website.

On 06/11/2015, there was a workshop on further adaptation of module in NIO. Specialists of Educational Departments of Ashgabat city and districts, as well as teachers of social sciences attended the workshop. The workshop program included questions on acquaintance with the fundamental principles of activities of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent, the National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan, as well as basic foundations of international humanitarian law.

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Adaptation Program, on popularization of IHL includes workshops in a variety of audience composition. On 09/06/2015 a workshop was conducted in one of the military units. More than 60 soldiers have attended the workshop. The agenda of the workshop which was conducted by employees of medical and social department of the National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan included the questions of studying the rules of international humanitarian law in the context of the further improvement of the humanitarian activities of NRCST. The second major subject of the workshop was a countering the proliferation and use of drugs.

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An important element of promotion and dissemination of knowledge on the basics of IHL is given to means of visual agitation. In this regards, thematic posters were prepared which are planned to disseminate among capital and provincial departments, military units and institutions of the Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan.