The jubilee festivities on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the national State Program “Saglyk” have been widely supported by the Turkmenistan public organizations.

     National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan (NRCST) also makes its significant contribution into realization of the State Program “Saglyk”

     The motto “State for the Person” proclaimed by the Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is consonant with humanitarian principles of the activities of the National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan and has been a foundation for the medical-social projects and programs implemented by our organization.

       The strategy of our work in this sphere has been addressing expanding scope and improving quality of the social programs and projects aimed at protecting lives and health of the population. Being a member of the interagency committees established for supporting programs aimed at prevention of various diseases, NRCST in a close cooperation with State institutions and other public organizations has been implementing large scale work. These activities include informational – educational and prophylactic events, patronage, humanitarian and social support.

        Within a framework of the Program “Community Based Health and First Aid” we provide education to the population on the basic knowledge and skills in a sphere of First Aid, prevention of infectious and non communicable diseases. This is our contribution into realization of the “Strategy of Non Communicable Disease and Injury Prevention in Turkmenistan for 2011-2015” adopted by the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. We organize work based on a Module developed by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. We are mostly focused on the potential threats for the health such as smoking tobacco, alcohol abuse, hypodinamia and unhealthy nutrition.

      National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan has an international Certificate of European Standard on providing First Aid courses. We have received this document as a confirmation of a sufficient level of work in this direction. The NRCST services are highly demanded by the enterprises, organizations, foreign companies, educational establishments. It is known that timely rendered First Aid saves lives and health.

      The NRCST Road Safety activities addressing protection of human’s health and life. This work conduct we mostly in schools and kindergartens in an interactive playing form, accessible for the children of pre school and primary school age along with use of the colorful and informative posters and training materials.

      Annually NRCST conducts nearly three hundred training sessions while accessing more than thousand of children. Another priority in a work of the medical and social department of the National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan focused on a social support and help to the TB patients and vulnerable groups of population.

      The adoption of the “Strategy of the National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan on a Public Health for 2013-2015” has become an important factor in development of NRCST medical and social work. Within a context of the National State program “Saglyk” the Strategy has clearly defined vitally important positions and expected results, as well as the exact forms of work in consideration of modern infrastructure in medical and social sphere. Based on the Strategy we have strengthened our activities on raising awareness of population on basic principles of reproductive health and safe maternity as well as promotion of voluntary blood donation for saving lives.

       In its work NRCST relies not only on its personnel and specialists but also widely attracts volunteers. Trained volunteers conduct training sessions as instructors. With help of volunteers we have opportunity to conduct community health and health promotion work among the broad range of population of different ages residing both in the cities and in remote areas. The number of the population trained on the themes of prevention diseases and First Aid has been growing 100000 people each year.

     We consider creation of Community Health Committees in the remote branches as our significant achievement. Each Health Committee composed of representative of the local municipality, teacher, doctor, dean and volunteer. The Community Health Committees organize various public events aimed at strengthening health of the local communities, forming active live position. National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan in all its activities is guided by the State Program “Saglyk”, based on up to date demands and approaches, embodies into life the goals of the leader of the nation, aimed at protection population life and health.

       While implementing its noble mission with dignity, NRCST remains committed to the humanitarian principles of charity and philanthropy. This is why Red Crescent is associated for each of us with commonwealth of people united by the best human qualities.