A new project named WASH has started to be implemented by the National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan. In the framework of CBHFA project, which has been successfully implemented during many years in 11 remote bordering etraps of Turkmenistan, this new component aimed to improve water and sanitation is productively being implemented.  WASH project will be realized according to PHAST (Participatory hygiene and sanitation transformation) methodology based on participatory discussion and making decision on hygiene-sanitation conditions together with local communities.

     Six day-training was devoted to learning this methodology. It was held at “Ashgabat” hotel in the capital of Turkmenistan. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent expert Rebecca Kabura has conducted the training.

    Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation (PHAST) is the standard software methodology to articulate WatSan interventions in the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. PHAST has been implemented by certain NSs during the last 15 years, and more recently all long term developmental IFRC projects have been designed following the Global Water and Sanitation Initiative (GWSI) technical criteria of including a strong component of WatSan software based on the PHAST methodology. Through the seven steps in the PHAST methodology, communities are facilitated and empowered to feel confident in their ability to take action, make water and sanitation situation improvements in their communities and to have ownership of facilities.

      WASH project is carried out in partnership with Ministry of Health and local authorities, therefore the representatives of these agencies have participated in the training too. WASH is a pilot project for two etraps – Baharly and Tagtabazar. If it will be successful, WASH will widen in all 11 etraps of CBHFA program in Turkmenistan.

     Nowadays executors of the project are preparing manual and module to provide local activists, volunteers with tools and instruments for working in local communities to realize WASH during 12 months.