Within the framework of "Managing Social Support for the TB Patients" project of NRCST project specialists together with the representatives of the UN made business trip to the Akhal, Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary velayats. During the trip, monitoring visit was made to check the patients with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) living in remote regions and meetings were held with the project staff. During the meeting with the project staff, the reporting and accounting documents were checked and methodological assistance was provided.
        "Managing social support for TB patients" project activities were further extended to Birata, Koitendag and Magdanly etraps of Lebap velayat, Baharly and Babadayhan etraps of Ahal velayat, Garagum and Tagtabazar etraps of Mary velayat, Esenguly, Etrek and Turkmenbashi etraps of Balkan velayat, Kunyaurgench and S.Turkmenbashi etraps of Dashoguz velayat. Based on the world practices on combating communicable diseases, additional nurses were hired to provide social assistance, raise awareness on sanitation and prevention of communicable diseases among the patients with drug resistant tuberculosis and their relatives. This work is an additional help from NRCST in terms of implementation of the State program "Health" and the state strategy of Turkmenistan on public healthcare and prevention of spread of the communicable diseases.