Specialists of the National Red Crescent society of Turkmenistan took part in the events devoted to the World Tuberculosis Day, annually celebrated on March 24.  The scientific and practical conference, that was held at the Directorate of Centers for Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan, was dedicated to this international date. Organized by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan, it brought together representatives of the World Health Organization, specialists from the NRCST, Tuberculosis doctors from the capital and velayats (the latter participated online), the heads of Ashgabat clinics and the faculty members of the State Medical University named after M. Garryev. During the conference, the results of the work done within the framework of the National Tuberculosis Control Program were summed up; in addition, the priority areas for further work were identified.  Also, at the conference it was noted that public organizations of our country, in particular the National Red Crescent society of Turkmenistan, also made a significant contribution to the implementation of the program.  NRCST employees take an active part in the training of personnel, as well as citizens and patients, in preventive measures, timely and correct treatments along with other measures.