05.08.2015, Joint News Release

On 5th of August, the presentation of the publication of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols translated into Turkmen language will be held jointly by the Red Crescent National Society and the ICRC, in the premises of the Red Crescent National Society of Turkmenistan.

 The Geneva Conventions are a core instrument of International Humanitarian Law. This branch of law applies when a conflict occurs but also in peace time. The implementation of these conventions, including their translation into national languages and their dissemination is an obligation of States who signed and ratified them.

  “After ratification of Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols by Turkmenistan in 1992, Red Crescent National Society of Turkmenistan became the unique independent national organization acting in line with the principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.”, explains  Maral Achilova, Chairlady of the Red Crescent National Society of Turkmenistan.

  “Today, Geneva Conventions are ratified by more than 190 countries, and have been translated into various languages of the world. This is the first time they have been translated into Turkmen” adds Jennet Shihmuradova, Head of the ICRC Office in Ashgabat.

 Translation of Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols into Turkmen language is a result of joint work of the Working group of the Interdepartmental Commission on ensuring Turkmenistan’s compliance with international obligations in the field of human rights and international humanitarian law, Red Crescent National Society of Turkmenistan, and ICRC.


The presentation will be attended by representatives of key ministries and leading universities of Turkmenistan.




For further information, please contact:

Jennet Shihmuradova, Head of the ICRC Office in Ashgabat

Phone: +99312 945796

Web-site: http://www.icrc.org/rus


Information-resource Centre of the Red Crescent National Society of Turkmenistan,

Address: Azadi strt, 44/2, Ashhabad

Phone.: 945797

Web-site: http://www.tgymj.gov.tm